Tuesday 10 December 2013

First Post!!

This is my first post on my new blog and I just wanted to say a little about myself!

Hiya!! My name is Jess and I am currently 16 years old! Im in 6th form and am studying English Literature, English Language and Sociology. I have 2 dogs named Holy and Lily who I love to death.
I am also a huge fan of Taylor Swift and Harry Potter!

As you can probable tell from the title of this blog, I love books, and that is what my blog is going to be centred aroung, I shall post book reviews, current reads, books I want to read and loads of other things as well. Mostly the books will be Young Adult Fiction.

I also have a booktube account, where I make videos on books, you can check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHohaWVYL7ea1C19TSAlkrw